Hey i got some News
Do you think this is well lollipopped?
Beiträge von Monstercookies
but could have been all be good and probably quiet possible the PH drop
what made me act imediately (to lower EC) is on that pic the Leave on the Left
i did 140ml. at first which is prescribed
(after this pics from 26 i added a bit more nutrient) aprox. 15 ml.
i tell you guys this Bitch is gradually driving me Nuts - i lioterally don't know what's her Problem look: i have here 3 pictures which are from the 26
and i got now these that i postet today.
The Ph dropped - do you think that was the Problem? (for sure i regulated it back to 5.8 (was at 4.9 for some reason))
I acted this way: I added some Water to lower the EC by 1 added a bit of calmag which i did 40 before instead of the prescribed 60 at first but my starting Ec was for any reason at 0.2 instead of 0.0 and after adding 40ml calmag i ended up at an EC of 0.7 so i stopped there - after this action now there are 50ml calmag in. i lowered EC by adding Water.
Will see what happensAfterwar4ds i thin it had been better if i just highed up the Ph and waited for a Result. so i dont know if that caused the switch in colour etc, as you can see or if it is slightly to much nutrient.
So this Pictures are from the 26th - there i did a full Water change from this time to today the PH droped and today i acted as prescribed
Best Regards -
Ich denke 1 Woche könnten sie noch vertragen
Hallo CannabisFreunde,w
Ich dachte ich mach ein update und wollte im selben Zug fragen was ihr meint wie Sie aussehen..
und ob ich schon switchen sollte oder würdet ihr noch warten
wie seht ihr die Situation?
vielen Dank euch im vorraus
möge das Gras mit euch sein -
Ok dank euch für den Input!
Ja richtig den Grund EC meinte ich
Hm keine Ahnung wie ich das Natrium im Wasser messen kann, außer dem Standard Dünger habe ich nichts verwendet. Denke aber nicht dass er sonderlich hoch ist weil die Blätter sonst ws. dunkler sein müssten?!
Also ich hab vorerst mal etwas calmag hinzugefügt (0,2) - es scheint schon etwas geholfen zu haben.. + besonders drauf geachtet dass der Ph mir nicht raised also halte ihn eher unter 5.9 -- scheint ihnen gut zu tun
Ich schieß gleich mal ein paar Bilder
Ph liegt bei 5.8 , ich verwende Canna Aqua Dünger und erhalte einen EC von 1.5 bei einer Wasserhärte von 0.4
Ich könnte etwas calmag hinzufügen ist bisher keines drinnen.. -
Hello dear Forum
I have 2 Ethno Cookie Babiesthat are somehow struggling, and i dont really know whats the Problem. I use a 600w as 400w grow spec. light have the right air outtake, run it all day/night long.
Have 2x 19 Litre Pots and a reservoir pot Pump that recircles the water. And i've attached a hobo waterchiller which is circling constantly to 20~ degrees.
EC: is 1.1 and 1.5 with waterhardnes 0.4 = canna aqua series with root booster, ryzo and cannazym.
The Plants are approx. 4 week old cuttings that where mainfoldet to 8 Stems each.
I#ll attach some pics of everything.
Hope someone can help
May the Hemp be with you