Jesus Used Cannabis : Holy Anointing Oil

  • servus_1

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    Jesus Used [lexicon]Cannabis[/lexicon] : Holy Anointing Oil

    The word Cannabis derives from the Hebrew word Kaneh-Bosem which literally translates 'Fragrant Cane' and is known to have been an integral part of healing rituals during the time of Jesus and considered a holy sacrament by the ancient wise ones. Jesus did in fact use the same herb as his ancient semitic ancestors, and which is still used by people around the world for its enlightening and healing properties. Jesus used cannabis based oils to heal eye and skin diseases and his very name derives from being anointed with cannabis enriched holy oil.

    The Greek title "Christ" is the translation of the Hebrew word Messiah, which in English becomes "The Anointed". The Messiah was recognized as such by his being anointed with the holy anointing oil, the use of which was restricted to the instillation of Hebrew priests and kings.

    "Anointing was common among kings of Israel. It was the sign and symbol of royalty. The word 'Messiah' signifies the 'Anointed One', and none of the kings of Israel were styled the Messiah unless anointed."

    The ancient recipe for this anointing oil, recorded in the Old Testament book of Exodus (30: 22-23) included over nine pounds of flowering cannabis tops, Hebrew "kaneh-bosem"( pluralized ; singular is kaneh-bos), extracted into a hind (about 6.5 litres) of olive oil, along with a variety of other herbs and spices. The ancient chosen ones were literally drenched in this potent cannabis holy oil.

    "Knowledge and healing were two aspects of the same life-force. If to be rubbed with the 'Holy Plant' was to receive divine knowledge, it was also to be cured of every sickness. James suggests that anyone of the Christian community who was sick should call to the elders to anoint him with oil in the name of Jesus The Twelve are sent out among their fellow-men casting out demons and anointing the sick with oil (Mark 6:13)."

    Jesus Used Cannabis : Holy Anointing Oil
    Psychedelic Adventure

    Holy anointing Oil

    The holy anointing oil (Hebrew: shemen "oil", ha-mishchah "of anointing" שמן המשחה) formed an integral part of the ordination of the priesthood and the high priest as well as in the consecration of the articles of the tabernacle (Exodus 30:26) and subsequent temples in Jerusalem. The primary purpose ofanointing with the holy anointing oil was to cause the anointed persons or objects to become qodesh – most holy (Exodus 30:29).

    Originally the oil was used exclusively for the priests and the Tabernacle articles but was later extended to include prophets and kings (I Samuel 10:1). It was forbidden to be used on an outsider (Exodus 30:33) or to be used on the body of any common persons (Ex. 30:32a) and the Israelites were forbidden to duplicate any like it for themselves (Ex. 30:32b).

    The Christian Church has continued the practice of using holy anointing oil as a devotional practice, as well as in the liturgy.[1]

    Holy anointing oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Chill out. hemp_blatt

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