HI ,
ich hab ne vorhin ne e-mail bekommen , weiß aber nicht ob das nur spam ist - oder was anderes .
hier der text:
Dear Sir,
We are top Government Officials with the Federal Government of Nigeria.I have been mandated to contact you in confidence and as a matter of urgency. As The Government of Nigeria want to embark on a supply of various Equipments for various projects. So I was ask to contact you, for more info. on your products, quotes, methods of payments and delivery, as regards to supplying this products.
However, you shall increase the prices of these products by 40% for me and the other officials that know about this, as we start the transaction in earnest. The modalities of the supply of the products will be arranged when you contact me.
If you are interested in this mutual benefit, please acknowledge and send your phone number so that we can communicate better.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Adefemi Olayisade
wär echt super wenn jemand einfach in paar sätzen erklären kann was die von mir wollen .
ich kann eigentlich englisch - nur seit ich aus der schule raus bin ist das extrem eingerostet :wacko: